I Can and I Will

I Can and I Will

There’s an expression that says if you are tired of starting over stop giving up. What does that expression meant to you?  How does that expression apply to you in your daily life? 

For me I can relate to it on so many levels. Often when you are always fighting the battle of the bulge so to speak, you can easily fall into that trap of starting over because you gave up or fell off the wagon with choosing healthy food choices or for that matter, healthy drink choices. Then once again you are faced with starting over or as they say getting back on the wagon. It is easy to fall into that trap of feeling that you are living in the ground hog day movie. 

Which brings me back to that expression, if you are tired of starting over stop giving up. Tell yourself I can and I will. Take control of the situation be a Champion not a victim. Ask yourself what will your choice be? How canI not give in, How can I be strong, How can I choose a healthier lifestyle for myself? 

If you would like to explore more on being your BEST or finding better life balance, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com