Temptation is all around you when you are on a diet and trying to follow a healthy lifestyle. It is especially difficult when there is a full out media blitz. Today is National Donut Day (started in 1938 by the Salvation Army to honor the men and women who served doughnuts to soldiers during World War I). I have seen very clever advertising such as one retailer saying “ YOU DONUT WANT TO MISS THIS SALE” or coffee brewers putting all their donut inspired coffees on sale, so grab a glazed donut to go with your coffee.  To make matters worse in terms of temptations, most donut shops offer FREE donuts on National Donut Day. Why isn’t there a "Be Healthy Day" with fresh fruits of vegetables, free at all markets and retailers giving a percentage off their clothing when dieters work hard and drop a few sizes.  Just saying……. All the more reason to stay strong today, celebrate how far you have come on your health journey and don’t give in to temptation, it’s just not worth it, even if it is FREE!!