Let The Magic Begin ~

Let The Magic Begin ~

The magic in life is not always spontaneous. Sometimes it takes making healthy choices to bring the magic into your life. Below are my Top Ten Tips to create some magic in your life by keeping yourself healthy and happy.

Ten Tips to Break Bad Eating Habits

1.           Chew slowly and put down your fork in between every couple of bites.

2.          Sit down to eat, preferably with someone.

3.          Use a small plate.

4.          Do nothing else while eating except socializing.

5.          Remove leftovers straight away and pack them for lunch or dinner the next day.

6.          Don’t skip meals.

7.           Don’t nibble or sample while cooking or walking through Costco or grocery stores.

8.          Keep food out of sight and organized in your pantry.

9.          Keep busy, exercise, focus on your WHY.

10.      Stop negative thinking, practice Self Care.

11.       Bonus ~ Listen to your favorite Music!


If you would like to explore more on being your BEST  and or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com


STRESS!!!!! What Can You Do About It?

STRESS…… What can I do about it?  A Top Ten List !

Stress is a big factor is weight management and choosing healthy life choices. Everyone has stress, because life isn't something we can totally control as much as we would like to and that’s a stressor all in it’s self ! The question is: Are you managing your stress, or has it mastered you? The answer matters a lot for your health, so I ask you, what are you prepared to do about it? Here are a few tips to get you started on your path of mastering your stress!

1. Try to identify what are the causes of your stress, what are the roadblocks, can you remove any? Take baby steps, but put together a mini action plan.

2. Be kind to yourself, give yourself permission to acknowedlege your feelings and express them with a friend or colleague.

3. Make time for yourself, try to exercise regularly. It doesn’t have to be a world class workout, give yourself mini goals Try walking everyday at lunch or after dinner, for 15 minutes and increase in over the week.

4. Try a little meditation. I for one have a hard time staying still for a long period of time but I found this app, “Headspace” which is a short 10 minute meditation. I can do that !

5. Try something new, maybe a new class on painting or flower arranging or healthy cooking classes. Acquiring a new skill is so rewarding. 

6. SLEEP….. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 

Younger adults ( 18-25 ) need 7-9 hours, Adults (26-64) need 7-9 hours and Older adults (65+) need 7-8 hours. Not getting the proper amount of sleep will add to your stress level. 

7. Give yourself permission to say NO when friends or colleagues ask too much of you. It’s ok to say no, they will understand, be honest let them know you have too much on your plate right now.  As a good friend of mine once told me it’s better not to over promise and under deliver!

8. Choose to eat healthy. Avoid sugar, focus on making healthy choices for yourself such as fruit, vegetables and lean protein, even though when you are stressed you want to reach for that candy bar and comfort foods, it will only add to your stress level.

9. Read a good book, download some music, reach out to a friend, Doing something nice for someone else is often the best stress reliever.

10. Last but not least, HAVE FUN. Try to relax and find the joy d’vie!

If you would like to explore more on being your BEST  and or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com





I Want it and I Want it NOW!

I Want it and I Want it NOW!

The feelings that come with having hopes and dreams are exhilarating and joyful. Being able to visualize where you want to be is so exciting and gratifying. Having that goal is a healthy way to map out your journey.  

It really does that matter what the journey is about the feelings remain the same. Your journey could be weight loss or retirement or moving or career changes. Regardless of what journey you are traveling visualizing the goal line and the end of your journey brings feelings of excitement and hope. Hope that you will be able to actually accomplish the journey. Hope that things will indeed turn out the way you have envisioned them to turn out. 

It takes a lot of patience to travel that journey as well. As they say “Rome was not built in a day” and as much as you want your journey to be quick so that you can achieve your goal, you have to dig down deep and be patient!

What does it actually take to be patient? The dictionary translates patience as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. So basically being able to fully accept wherever you are on your journey and not get upset about being where you are. It’s a hard thing to accept when those hopes and dreams are dangling at the other end!

Our minds are sometimes are best friend and sometimes our worst enemy. But it all starts and stops in our mind. You can choose to be anxious about your journey or you can choose to be calm and patient. Neither choice will alter the journey, the train will keep moving along but you can chose to enjoy the ride  rather that agonize about it. 

Mindfulness is a great tool to calm the mind and enjoy the journey. First recognize what you are going through and accept where you are on your journey. Try using breathing techniques at the beginning and end of the day. Focus on the moments of the day rather than the end goal. Appreciate those moments and be mindful of your surrounding and soak it all in. There is beauty everywhere if you take the time to stop and take it in. Doing these few simple things can help you to be patient. It will happen, it may not always be on the time schedule you envisioned, but it will happen, Have faith in yourself and enjoy the journey.

If you would like to explore more on being your BEST  and or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com




“Just Be”

“Just Be”

We are all at a different crossroads in our life. Some of us may be facing transitions, some of us may be facing illness, some of us my be anticipating new life, some of us may be in love for the first time, some of us may be just existing day to day. 

Wherever you are on your journey, take a moment and “Just Be”  in that moment of where you are. So often when either something good happens or something bad happens or nothing at all happens, we don’t appreciate just being. Just being in that moment of where we are at that exact moment in time.

We often look ahead either wistfully or anxiously. Do you remember when you were a child and you were always looking ahead to being a teenager or driving  a car or going off to college. From early on, in gets ingrained into us to look ahead rather than “Just Be” in the moment where we are and appreciate everything that comes with where we are. 

I have to admit, I have been at a crossroad of transition in my life and I have been looking ahead. Looking ahead unsure of what exactly the future holds. I have felt a bit anxious and unsettled, but once I stopped looking ahead and decided to “Just Be”, I felt a sense of calm and appreciation of my journey.

 I still don’t know 100 percent what lies ahead, but by just being in the moment, I am not only enjoying my journey, but I am appreciating where I am at this moment and everything that is around me with a renewed sense of joy and peacefulness that comes when you make the space to “Just Be”. 

If you would like to explore more on being your BEST  and or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com



Happy 2018!

Happy 2018 ~While the start of the new year can be exciting – it can also be an overwhelming time for a lot of people. 

New Year’s resolutions can make you feel like you’re starting at ground zero. When those feelings start to creep in, remind yourself: Everything will be OK.

The New Year is both hopeful and unnerving at the same time. We don’t have a crystal ball to see what the new year will have in store for us. We are hopeful that the year will be good to us and our family and friends. But without that crystal ball we really don’t know. We can only hope which would be a passive approach or we can take action which would be an action oriented approach.

Set a goal for yourself and put into motion a plan to achieve that goal whether it’s a wellness goal or a personal goal setting a goal with an action plan is the best way to achieve that goal.

 “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” - Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

 You got this! A new year is a fresh start – take it and run with it.

If you would like to explore more on being your BEST  and or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com


Just Stay Healthy and Take Care of Yourself

Just Stay Healthy and Take Care of Yourself

Those words seem so simple to do, yet so many of us struggle with weight issues, or stress or whatever curve balls life throws at us. 

Just how do we stay healthy and take care of ourselves. First and foremost it’s a daily commitment you make to yourself. Only you and no one else is responsible for you!

Once you have made that commitment, you need a plan to achieve your goals. Some things to consider, include making healthy food choices, eating clean whole foods, mindfulness practices such as yoga and meditation and a fitness program. 

Very often, living a healthy lifestyle requires creating a new pathway. Our brains are hard wired to to choose what we have always done. We always go back to what we know and very oftenthat includes bad habits. We need to override our brain to choose new healthy habits and that creates a new pathway, a new and improved memory.

Make yourself a priority, self care is not self indulgence, it’s a healthy choice. 

We only have one body to live in, so stay healthy and take good care of yourself, your’e whole juicy self!

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com






One of my Favorite Super Foods

Avocados are healthy, full of good oils and fats that we need in our diets. Avocados add rich, buttery texture to some of the best low-carb meals, making them a healthy alternative to meat, cheese, bad fats, and high-carb foods.

So, since avocados are great for our health, the rising trend in avocados is good for everyone. This means that more people are making healthier decisions about the foods they eat, reaping the following health benefits of avocados:    

Heart health—have beta-sitosterol that maintains healthy cholesterol levels;        
Eye health—lutein and zeaxanthin provide antioxidant protection to eye tissue, reducing damage from UV light;        
Monounsaturated fatty acids support absorption of antioxidants including beta-carotene;     
High in vitamin K—good for bone health;     
High in folate—good for cancer prevention and prenatal health; and,       
High in fiber—good for digestion, detoxification, reducing inflammation, and regulating the immune system.

Plant-based diets that include avocados are high in essential nutrients and fiber that can decrease the risk of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, stroke, hypertension, and gastrointestinal diseases.

The rising popularity of avocados both in North America and the rest of the world has caused a shortage in avocado supplies. Now that larger markets have a taste for these rich green fruits, especially in China and Europe, there is a greater demand on the avocado supply in Mexico and California. This year is also seeing lighter yields for avocado crops. Avocado trees are alternate-bearing crops, meaning that they will have a large yield one year, and a smaller yield the following year. Consequently, with the higher demand and low supply, the prices have skyrocketed.

Despite the rising price of avocados, the health benefits far outweigh the costs, and it is important to eat a healthy balanced diet. Sure, you might think twice before buying an avocado when they aren’t on sale, but once you remember how tasty and healthy they are, you will realize that they are worth it.

Everyone in our family loves avocados from our 18 month old to all the adults, we try to have avocados a few times a week.

If you would like to explore more on Healthy Choicesand or seeking change in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com





Be an Angel Day

Be an Angel

August 22nd is Be An Angel Day! This day was established by Jayne Howard Feldman in 1993. Its purpose is to encourage people to perform random acts of kindness and to help those in need.

We have all experienced someone in our lives whom we can call an Angel. Whether it was a minor thing on a bad day that just helps us cope, or a major action that changed our lives, most of us have looked skywards and thanked the Heavens for that person’s help.

Today is a call to action day. Be an Angel. Do random acts of kindness. Random Acts of kindness can become something more than you could ever imagine. You never know how much of an affect your kindness will have on another person. While it is true that we should all strive to be kind every day, today is the day to embrace that generosity inside of each and everyone one of us.

Be an Angel today! 

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com



Drink UP

Drink up ~ Water and Coffee are a Great way to Start the Day

Yes, in my mind there is nothing better than waking up to the smell of fresh coffee. I love easing into the day with a good cup of coffee. I love the smell, the taste and for me it’s the best way to start the day.Coffee has had a bad wrap in the past but recent research shows there are many health benefits. 

According to Web MD, A growing body of research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are: less likely to have type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and dementia and have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems, and strokes.

But before you cozy up to that cup of coffee, I would like you to consider besides enjoying that cup of joe, try drinking 16 ounces of water first. 

While you are sleeping for 7-8 hours, your body becomes dehydrated during that timeand needs to be replenished with water ASAP. 

By drinking water when you first wake up, it fires up your metabolism and flushes out body toxins, it hydrates you, gives your brain fuel and may even help with weight loss as it will fill you up. 

So before you enjoy that cup of coffee, consider making a healthy choice with a 16 ounce glass of nice cool water~ cheers!

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com





What's Your Mountain?

What's your Mountain?

 Is there something in your life that you want but are afraid to achieve it?

How do you make it happen? It takes courage. Taking the first step takes bravery and determination. 

If you can imagine it you can achieve it. Keeping you eye on the prize helps you to imagine what your view will be like at the end of your climb.

If you want something you never had, then you have to do something you've never done. It takes time, hard work patience and vision.

Everyone has a dream but not everyone will take a chance, that leap of faith, putting one step in front of the other until you reach your dream.

So what’s your mountain?

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com


What was the Last Time You did Something for the First Time?

What was the last time you did something for the first time ?

Stop and think about it for a moment and if the last time was too long ago, you may need to plan an adventure. 

For me the last time I did something for the first time, it was on my birthday and I tried ocean kayaking. I had always wanted to try it and I had talked about it for a long time but I never pushed myself to actually do it. Afterwards, I felt a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. I loved every moment!

Sometimes not doing something new can be out of fear of failure or just plain fear of the unknown. All too often we let the fear of the unknown stop us. But pushing ourselves out of our comfort zones is actually good for us. Trying new things not only helps us to vanquish those fears, but it also allows us to expand our minds and learn both about new things and about ourselves.

After I did it, I realized how much fun it was and how much time I had wasted not doing it sooner.There’s nothing quite like or as memorable as the thrill of a new experience. It’s exhilarating! In fact, as reported by TIME magazine by psychologist Rich Walker, who looked at countless event memories: “People who engage in a variety of experiences are more likely to retain positive emotions and minimize negative ones than people who have fewer experiences. The benefits of learning and trying new things has a positive impact it has on our personal growth as well as our health.. 

Lifelong learning and social activity are important to mental wellbeing and happiness. What is your something new? What has been your experience with changing your routine or exploring new opportunities?

Maybe it’s time to start a bucket list of things you would like to do. Whatever it is, as the ad for Nike says “ Just do it” 

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com






Let The Magic Begin

Let The Magic Begin ~ 

The magic in life is not always spontaneous. Sometimes it takes making healthy choices to bring the magic into your life. Below are my Top Ten Tips to create some magic in your life by keeping yourself healthy and happy.

Ten Tips to Break Bad Eating Habits

  1. Chew slowly and put down your fork in between every couple of bites.
  2. Sit down to eat, preferably with someone.
  3. Use a small plate.
  4. Do nothing else while eating except socializing.
  5. Remove leftovers straight away and pack them for lunch or dinner the next day. 
  6. Don’t skip meals.
  7. Don’t nibble or sample while cooking or walking through Costco or grocery stores. 
  8. Keep food out of sight and organized in your pantry.
  9. Keep busy, exercise, focus on your WHY.
  10. Stop negative thinking, practice Self Care.
  11. Bonus ~ Listen to your favorite Music

If you would like to explore more on being your BEST and or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com

The Importance of Balance

The Importance of Balance

Have you missed me? 

I have taken a self imposed leave of absence from writing Tuesday Tips. I love writing Tuesday Tips and I love getting your feedback on a weekly basis. Having said that, I was feeling pressured to get the Tips out every week so I took a self imposed leave of absence.

So here I am back with you feeling refreshed and recharged and ready to share information with you and receive your feedback.

Have you ever given yourself a self imposed leave of absence? Have you ever felt overwhelmed and pressured to produce? If you have, a little light bulb should be turning on for you and it’s time to rebalance.

Balance is a feeling derived from being whole and complete, it's a sense of harmony. It is essential to maintaining quality in life and work. It’s that feeling you get when you feel as though your are a well tuned machine. Everything is working in harmony to produce the best results. 

How do you achieve balance? First, listen to that little voice inside. If you are feeling pressured or rushed, blah or unhappy, you are out of balance. 

Learn to know yourself. Take a self assessment. Are you getting enough sleep, eating well, getting exercise, socializing with friends and family, are you feeling Joy de Vie? 

To rebalance, take a mental leave of absence. What makes you happy? Go for a bike ride, schedule a mini getaway, schedule a massage or manicure. Have a drink with friends. Most importantly make time for yourself, self care is not selfishness, it’s taking care of your whole juicy self so that YOU can be the BEST, YOU can Be!

I love this quote from Aristotle on balance: “It is better to rise from life as from a banquet - neither thirsty nor drunken.”

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com















Do You Believe in Angels ?

Do you Believe in Angels? I do. It’s been said that people come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed or just felt. They have come to assist you through a hard time, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. Then, suddenly, the person disappears from your life. Your need has been met; their work is done.

Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share or grow or give back. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They give you great joy. Believe it; it is real. But only for a season.

Lifetime relationships teach you lifetime lessons—things you must build upon to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned to use in all your other relationships.

Think about the people in your life over the years. Whether they were there for a reason, a season or a lifetime, accept them and treasure them for however long they were meant to be part of your life. These are the Angels in your life. Cherish your time together and learn from the experience. 

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com


How is your Vessel? 

How is your Vessel? 

Have you ever stopped to think about your body being the only vessel you have to live your life in? 

What would you do to nourish and care for that vessel? 

Here are a few tips and ideas:  

Make healthy food and drink choices

Model healthy eating for yourself and others. 

Don’t overeat, portion control is important. 

Put down your fork between bites. 

Drink water, 64 ounces is the recommended daily amount. 

Exercise, try to get in 10,000 steps daily. 

Lift weights three times a week

Dance whenever you can

Smile and laugh, it boosts your energy

Seek out some quiet time each day just for you!

Self care is an essential component to taking care of yourself. Make it a priority. You are the one person who can make a difference in taking care of your body so that you will have a vessel in tip top shape to live a healthy life. The choice is yours!

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or making healthier choices in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com


What Inspires You?

What inspires you to take that step? The step to being a healthier YOU! Perhaps that step is choosing to loose weight, or changing jobs or getting out of an unhealthy relationship. Whatever that step is take a moment and reflect on what’s your inspiration. What’s your WHY?

For me, my inspiration was my family and in particular my husband. I wanted to loose weight to be healthy to live a longer life together. To be around and keep up with our grandchildren. 

Understanding your WHY is the first step to inspire you to start a journey of HARD WORK. Change is not easy and if your journey is a weight loss journey, it’s a very public decision with many outside social influences that can detour you off track. With all of those pulls you need to keep your WHY , your inspiration, your ultimate goal front and center every step of the way. It’s your secret weapon. 

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or seeking change in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com




The Dash Between the Dates

The Dash Between the Dates

Have you ever noticed when someone dies, their obituary is listed with the day they are born and the day they died for example, 1980-2017. 

Have you ever wondered what the DASH really meant? The Dash is what you put into your life. The Dash is everything you have accomplished, it is how you have developed as a person.

Have you ever stopped to reflect on what your Dash currently looks like? Are you happy so far with your Dash or are there things not yet achieved either at work or on a personal level that you would like your Dash to include? 

How might you accomplish that which is missing from your Dash? How will you live your Dash?

Taking the time to reflect on this is a good pause to identify how you would like your Dash to be reflected? With the remaining time of your life, whether it be 10 or 80 years, how will you fill your Dash? 

Besides reflection, you can take action and try to get the most out of each day. Stop and literally smell the roses, feel the warmth of the sun, do random acts of kindness. Do whatever it is that at the end of the day you will be proud to have included in your DASH!

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or seeking change in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com


Strong Mind Body Spirit

Strong Mind Body Spirit

Keeping your mind sharp and healthy is just as important as making healthy choices for your body. We all have had those moments when we walk into a room and say to yourself, now why did I come in here? What was it I was looking for? Studies have shown that you can help prevent cognitive decline and reduce the risk of dementia with some basic good health habits: staying physically active, getting enough sleep, not smoking, having good social connections, limiting alcohol to one drink a day, and eating a balanced diet low in saturated and trans fats.

Memory changes can be frustrating, but the good news is that, thanks to decades of research, there are various strategies we can use to protect and sharpen our minds. Here are a few things you can put into practice.

  1. Never stop learning, Follow your passion, takecourse on something you always wanted to learn about.
  2. Try not using a calculator, doing simple math inyour head or on paper is a great exercise. We live in an electronic age, the same is true for writing. Try looking up words in a dictionary instead of using spell check.
  3. Exercise regularly or join a Zumba class, or a tennis class or try out water aerobics. Being social and exercising is a double bonus.
  4. Doing a crossword puzzle, sudoko, or a board game really does sharpen your mind.
  5. A friend taught me about visual memory to remember something. Try visualizing a house and in your house choose a room where you would like to place something you would like toremember, maybe it’s a pin number or a code. Now every time you want to remember that code or pin just visualize what room you put it in and you should be able to remember it more easily. 
  6. Sleep is another key factor, try to get your 7-8 hours each night.

If you feel like your brain is on auto-pilot every day then it is and you are not being challenged. Start today, try something new, even if it is as simple as trying a new recipe or reading a good book. Tune in, tone up and Stay Sharp!

If you would like to explore more on mindfulness practices and how to keep mindfulness present in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com .


Why is Social Media so Addictive?

Why is Social Media so addictive? I use Social Media as a marketing platform for my business. I post Monday through Friday. I really do not need to go on the weekends. This past weekend I decided that I would give myself a self imposed ban on Social Media. I shamefully have to admit I did not even last 24 hours. 

The addictive aspect of Social networking is associated with FOMO -- fear of missing out. Everyone is on Facebook. They're posting things, sharing news and content and talking to each other 24/7.

How can we kick the habit? First like all addictions, realize you have a problem and create a plan. Allow yourself only one hour everyday, then reduce the number of days.

 More importantly, look at it from another perspective. Instead of what are you missing in the virtual world, ask yourself, what are you missing in the real world? What relationships have suffered? What goals have you not met? What have you not done? 

To quote Mark Twain “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed in the things you didn't do that than the ones you did.”

Live your life!

If you would like to explore more on being your BEST or finding better life balance, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com




Dictionary.com describes being disciplined as an activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training. 

What does disciplined look like to you? Is it getting up in the morning to exercise instead of sleeping in? Is it choosing to follow a healthy diet in order to loose weight? Is it staying on track with deadlines at work instead of surfing on the internet or going on Social Media? 

However disciplined looks like to you, it is having the self control to do what you need to do to get closer to your goals even when temptation to detour may feel better at the moment, the end result will be regret if you detour. 

When you look in the mirror and ask yourself, who is ultimately in control of my choices, the answer is you. You and only you have the power to be disciplined and make healthy choices for yourself.

Take it one step at a time, today, do one thing on your to do list that you have been avoiding. Feel the sense of accomplishment once completed, tomorrow do another, before you know it, you will be on a roll, you will be training yourself to follow a regimen. You will feel the power of being disciplined.

If you would like to explore more on being your BESTand or seeking change in your life, contact me for your FREE consultation @ mary.healthychoices4life@gmail.com